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The Need of Career Counselling

Submitted by talhaoffice03@… on
The Need of Career Counselling

As a student I really felt the need to make this topic highlighted which is career counselling. It is something that every student needs at every level. I myself struggled in this area and I don’t want other students to struggle this much hard and in the wrong direction where their all efforts and energy go vain. The need for the career counseling arises at the college level when choosing between the medical and computer science and engineering. But in my case like every girl my parents wanted me to become a doctor so they chose FSC Pre- Medical for me.

When I was in high school, I assumed I had everything under control. Like many others, I selected FSC Pre-Medical seeing the society trends and parent’s decision. But as I neared the completion of my studies, questions began to arise. I was no longer excited about becoming a doctor. It felt more like something I needed to do than something I wanted to accomplish. I was lost, not just in my studies, but in determining what I truly desired for my future.

The need for the career counselling arises at the college level while entering the university and also when choosing the subject of specialization in their degrees. Those students who don’t have proper guidance find it so difficult. I was too directionless while choosing my bachelor’s degree that was the toughest decision of my life because as a teenager you don’t know about such things. Then their come three things the peer pressure, societal pressure and parental too in some cases. The student forgets his passion and starts to make path on which is told to or for which the track the track is set by society or parents. He finds no interest in such subjects but his family and society make him to do this. I did not have a career counselor to help me. Instead, I switched to the internet, where I read numerous articles, watched videos, and even spoke with strangers in online forums about their own experiences. However, when it came time to apply to university, I was still unsure what to do. I ended up applying to several universities, and when the merit list was released, my name was first on the Economics list. I selected Economics not because it was my field of interest, but because it was where I was placed. I had a lot of problems in my first year. I felt lost, unsure if I was on the right track. I remember sitting in classes, wondering if I'd made a mistake and if I should have picked anything else. The uncertainty was overwhelming, and without leadership, it was difficult to figure out a clear path forward. It wasn't until later, after much patience and self-reflection, that I finally found my place in life. Now, in my fifth semester, I'm certain that Economics is the appropriate path for me. However, looking back, I understand how much easier my journey could have been with competent professional counseling from the start.

Career Counseling Prior to University 

Choosing a career choice throughout high school might be difficult. You're expected to make decisions that will affect your entire life, frequently with no advice. This is where career counselling should come in, but many students, like me, do not receive it.

Understanding Your Interests and Strengths:

While high school is a period for self-discovery, societal influences might force you into specific fields. Career counseling helps you realize what you are actually passionate about and where your abilities lie, allowing you to make an informed decision about your future. It's about more than just picking a degree; it's about choosing a route that reflects who you are.

Exploring All of the Options:

Many students are only aware of a few professional routes, which are frequently the most discussed, such as medical, engineering, and business. A career counselor can introduce you to a variety of opportunities, including sectors you may not have explored previously. For example, you could have a hidden ability for disciplines such as data science, international relations, or environmental studies, which are becoming increasingly important but are not widely publicized. 

Avoiding Regret and Wasted Time:

One of the most common anxieties among students is making the wrong decision and wasting years on a degree that does not fulfill their needs. Career counseling can assist prevent this by providing insights and resources that make the decision-making process easier and more informative.

The Role of Career Counselling in University:

Even after you've decided on a degree, you'll still need help. University is where you begin to concentrate and focus on developing your profession. Here's where career counseling can continue to play an important role.

Choosing the Right Specialization:

Many degree programs require you to select a specialization or emphasis area. Without good assistance, this decision can seem difficult. A counselor can assist you in making an informed decision that is consistent with your career objectives. They can tell you which specializations are in demand and which ones align with your interests and strengths.

Balancing Academics and Career Development:

University life entails more than just attending classes and taking tests. Extracurricular activities, internships, and networking are also important. Career advice can assist you in balancing these characteristics, allowing you to develop a well-rounded profile. This balance is critical since employers frequently seek applicants who have succeeded academically while also developing soft skills and gaining practical experience.

Building a Strong Resume:

 A career counselor can assist you in creating a resume that stands out. They can assist you in identifying internships, volunteer opportunities, and other experiences that can make you a more appealing prospect to potential employers.

Career Counselling After Graduation:

Graduation is a joyful occasion, but it also marks the beginning of the true challenge—finding work or pursuing additional study. Career counseling at this stage can make all the difference.

Effective Job Search Strategies:

Entering the job market might be daunting. A counselor can help you create a CV, prepare for interviews, and identify career opportunities that match your talents and interests. They may also assist you with the often-confusing process of job applications, interviews, and follow-ups, ensuring that you present yourself in the best possible light.

Scholarships and Further Studies Advice:

If you're thinking about continuing your education, a counselor can help you manage the difficult process of applying for scholarships or selecting the ideal graduate program. They can help you prepare effective applications, write personal statements, and even discover financing options you may not be aware of.

A Personal Note to Fellow Students

To all youngsters reading this, I'd like to say something from the heart it’s acceptable to feel lost. It's fine to be unsure about what the future holds. I have been there, and I understand the overwhelming feeling it can be. However, you do not have to face this path alone. Seeking counsel is not a sign of weakness rather, it is a step toward better knowing yourself and your dreams.

Don't be afraid to seek assistance, whether from a career counselor, a mentor, or even a stranger who has been through similar experiences. Your journey is unique, and you deserve the help you need to find it. If I had known then what I know now, I would have sought help sooner. But I'm here to tell you that it's never too late to ask for help or find your way. I believe in you, and I hope that you believe in yourself.
