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I am a Pakistani Political Leader.

Submitted by talhaoffice03@… on

Assalam-o-alaikum! I am a Pakistani Political leader. Around the world, I am often chosen on the basis of my ideology, vision, experience, qualification, leading qualities, economic performance, social and cultural values, foreign policy and personal attributes. However, in Pakistan, It is very easy to become me. If you want to become me, I invite you all to Pakistan.

In Pakistan anyone can become me. Regardless of whether you are educated or not, you have a vision or not, you have qualities or not, or you are capable or not. If you want to become me you can, what you need are a few things and today I will tell those to you.

Although Pakistan was established through my efforts and the peaceful struggle of the people supporting and following me, at that time I used to have the true essence of what the nation needed. But soon after the independence of this country, the criteria and my perception changed significantly and a void was created which hasn't been filled till today because I started to quarrel for my benefits rather than focusing and fulfilling my job. Now today I am everything but what I should be.

Since its founder's death, many have tried to be me; like businessmen, chief martial law administrators, landowners and cricketers. So, don't lose heart and trust me you can also be me. Before starting, first allow me to tell you my achievements and rarity here. Pakistan has all the benefits that a country could imagine from geographical to social and cultural benefits, from natural resources to natural beauty, from unity to cultural diversity, from strategic trade routes to climate, from economic diversity to international relations and what not. But let me tell you still from its independence till to date it has failed to gain stability and the reasons behind it are, “I, Me and Myself”. Though being called “the land of the pure,” it has failed to find the pure Me.

Now let's move forward and I'll show you how to become me without having anything you should have. Firstly, the quickest and easiest way to become me and step into Pakistani Politics is to be born in a political family. This guarantees you your success and the secret behind it is that people of Pakistan are loyal and obedient to their elders to such an extent that they give their personal social rights to their old ones and the old ones choose the leaders for the new generations and hence there is no chance that they will leave or stop following you even if you deserve it or not.

Secondly, having a lot of money, land and connections to powerful people can also make you me. This helps you in your campaigns, buying favours, building alliances and what not as a wise one has truly said, “Money can buy anything.” Having money and influence in Pakistan allows you to do whatever you want and hence if you choose to be me, this is all you need.

Next, if you want to be me and have all the power that exists in this country you may try having military backing. If you can't get into politics through family and wealth, trust me this is the thing for you. The people of Pakistan love their protectors and which is the right thing to do indeed. But some have used this love of the people in the wrong way and have created a long history of intervening in Pakistani Politics and transitioned their roles to civilian leadership, resulting in me.

Furthermore, the Pakistani nation has always been an emotional nation. If you are a good manipulator and know how to play you can join me. Religious extremism is your chance, playing the religious card unfortunately but fortunately for you is a powerful way to mobilize the masses here and gain support.

Lastly, your charisma, luck and fame can also be your way to be me if you're not related to a powerful family, wealthy, or connected to the military. Be prepared to make promises you can't keep and to hope that people forget your mistakes as it happens here a lot. People here don't believe in remembering mistakes, they believe in forgiveness and forgetting. Furthermore, people here trust blindly and hence this will become your power and even if you make a mistake no one will criticize you.

Once you've achieved political power, the possibilities are limitless. You can exploit your position to enrich yourself and your family, indulge your personal desires, and perpetuate a system of corruption and inequality.

So, what are you waiting for? Begin your journey toward becoming a Pakistani political leader today!