Global & National

Dr. Muhammad Yunus: A Global Visionary Leading Change

"2023 China's Outward Direct Investment Statistical Communiqué": Implications for Pakistan and CPEC

Pakistani Political Experiments: A Comedy of Errors
How did a state that was established as a result of political struggle, fall prey to political instability? Where did the Pakistani nation go wrong in choosing their political leaders? Who is at fault, the leaders or the nation?

I am a Pakistani Political Leader.
Assalam-o-alaikum! I am a Pakistani Political leader. Around the world, I am often chosen on the basis of my ideology, vision, experience, qualification, leading qualities, economic performance, social and cultural values, foreign policy and personal attributes. However, in Pakistan, It is very easy to become me.

How the Young in Developing Countries are Excluded from Work

"Exploring the Future Aspirations of Students in Gilgit-Baltistan: A Comprehensive Survey by HamQadam & CERAPA"

Comprehensive Analysis of Pakistan's Economic State and the FY25 Federal Budget

Comprehensive Analysis of Pakistan's Economic State and the FY25 Federal Budget

Addressing Pakistan’s Natural Disasters: A Call for Proactive Financial Planning”
Pakistan faces an escalating frequency of natural disasters, necessitating a strategic shift in financial planning. Traditional systems, which react only post-disaster, prove ineffective. Instead, we need proactive planning that predicts risks, allocates resources, and focuses on risk reduction.

Pakistan’ economic crisis, the IMF, and the neoliberal economic order
On 1st July 2024, Pakistan secured a new 37-month, $7 billion loan deal with the International Monetary Fund. This Pakistan’s 23rd bailout in 75 years. Pakistan ranks fifth in outstanding debt with the IMF, standing at $7.4 billion, following Argentina, Egypt, Ukraine, and Ecuador. Pakistan has been one of the nine prolonged users of the IMF resources.

"Exploring the Future Aspirations of Students in Gilgit-Baltistan: A Comprehensive Survey by HamQadam & CERAPA"

How the Young in Developing Countries are Excluded from Work

The global indifferences towards the right of self determination
We the people of the United Nations…, begins the preamble of the UN charter, delineating the ineluctable link between the peoples and the states.

Only the Middle East can fix Middle East
War in the Middle East has now aggravated almost to the extent of triggering a third world war. The ongoing conflict in the sacred land of Palestine is muddling the chances of peace negotiations and cease fire.

Why have the Taliban imposed a ban on girls' education, obliterating their dreams?
Why have the Taliban imposed a ban on girls' education, obliterating their dreams? Why did these girls, once hopeful of continuing their studies, suddenly find themselves turned away from school at gunpoint?
The Importance of Education in Islam