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Pakistani Political Experiments: A Comedy of Errors

Submitted by talhaoffice03@… on

How did a state that was established as a result of political struggle, fall prey to political instability? Where did the Pakistani nation go wrong in choosing their political leaders? Who is at fault, the leaders or the nation?

Pakistan was not established as a result of any war; rather, this country came into existence as a result of the peaceful political struggle of the All-India Muslim League. Shortly after the establishment of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam passed away, leaving a vacuum in the politics of Pakistan and breaking out of disputes among politicians. Nations that do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it. Hence Pakistan's geography was altered in 1971 resultantly losing the area where the Pakistan Movement had originated and the All-India Muslim League was born.

How did a state that was established as a result of political struggle, fall prey to political instability?

Pakistan has all the benefits that a country could imagine from geographical to social and cultural benefits, from natural resources to natural beauty, from unity to cultural diversity, from strategic trade routes to climate, from economic diversity to international relations and what not. But still from its independence till to date it has failed to gain stability and the factor that has contributed to its descent into instability is lack of real political leaders. Though being called “the land of the pure,” it  has failed to find a pure and righteous leader for itself. After Jinnah it has been either led by businessmen, chief martial law administrators, landowners or cricketers but up till now it has been unable to find the person with the true essence of a leader.

The state made by political efforts became a victim of political instability when it lost its leaders. It became a victim when it remained quiet on letting someone rule who was not chosen by the people. It became a victim when landowners and businessmen ruled it for the sake of saving, and growing their power and businesses. It became a victim when people with power, fame and money ruled it.

Where did the Pakistani nation go wrong in choosing their political leaders?

The most important reason for continuous instability in Pakistan lies in the wrong way of choosing its leaders. The nation has been repeating the same mistake by choosing leaders on the basis of charisma, popularity, personal connection, rather than searching for a just, fair, experienced person dedicating himself for people's cause. This wrong criteria has resulted in selection of leaders who have destroyed the country for the sake of their personal gains and favours.

We as a nation failed when we voted for someone who was not aware of the problems of the people he was representing. We went wrong when we chose someone who was famous, bold to speak but lacked in action and knew not how to lead. We were wrong when we elected people who wanted benefit rather than  giving benefit.

Who is at fault, the leaders or the nation?

Whenever I hear anyone criticising that Pakistan is bad, I always think that Pakistan is a mere piece of land. It has been existing since the birth of Earth, it has never breathed, never moved, never spoken, never done anything then how come something becomes bad just by existing in this world. Pakistan is just a piece of land, what makes it good or bad are the people living in it, what makes it successful or unstable are the people living in it.

From every single person who has written Pakistani on his Identity card to the leaders, from the common layman to the establishment all of them make the Pakistani nation. Some people have just been given the power of representing, protecting or deciding by the remaining others. Hence, today the responsible for Pakistan's current situation are the people living on it because both groups have failed to do their duties. The chooser have failed to choose the right people capable of representing, deciding and doing the justice. And the chosen ones have failed to represent, decide, make policies and do justice.

Hence, if anyone is at fault it is the Pakistani Nation. And being a Pakistani until or unless we don't accept that we are a part of the problem, we can never solve it.

What to do now?

Problems can never be solved until or unless one does not admit the problem. Hence, firstly we will have to admit that each one of us living in this country is part of the problem. After this we should next move on to erase the causes of the problem. To not repeat the same mistake again one should have the knowledge and wisdom which can only be achieved by educating and analyzing the past. Read your history, criticize your favourite leader when he is wrong rather than following him blindly, praise the leader who is doing something good even if you don't like him personally. 

Remember leaders are humans they can never be perfect, hence try to find the one which is best among the others for your country. Search from history and religion to find the qualities of a leader and then find the person the candidate who fits the best. Rather than following and voting for someone whom your family or elders have been voting and supporting for ages only due to personal relations, vote for the one who is capable. Rather than standing behind someone who is just a puppet, stand behind someone who is strong enough to stand for his people against anyone.
