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A Blessed Soul Amir Hamza Hassan University of Agriculture Faisalabad

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The concept of blessed soul is subjective. In Buddhist scriptures a blessed soul is defined as the soul which has achieved “Nirvana” and has transcended passion, pain and suffering to enter a perpetual phase of rebirth. Christianity believes the one which preserves under trial and stands the tests of time with fervent love and tenacious devotion for God is a blessed soul. The concept of blessed soul in Islam is different from all other beliefs. An-Nafs-al-Mutmainah, a blessed soul, is the noblest and most enlightened soul as it is always in truth and righteousness without a slightest of doubt and observes Taqwa. In contemporary age of Neoliberalism such concepts cease to exist in secular republics, as every being is considered equal to other. Although the beliefs in every religion vary slightly, the blessed soul is blessing for humanity itself.

Men are created equal but they are not equal. As the one who serves the best is the chief among the equals, one can infer that the immaterial and complex essence of soul must also differ on the basis of perseverance, humility, modesty, sagacity, and wisdom which are not only inherent but the impressions of culture and education. Blessed souls are distinguishable by differentials, which are natural and adventitious. First means the essence which a soul acquires when it is created, latter means the effects and impressions caused by education and culture. Diversity is the evidence of grandeur of omnipotent creator. Therefore, the blessed souls are as easily distinguishable as easy one differentiates ones acquaintances by faces. The gradation of souls is hinted by the Hadith of Prophet of Allah (PBUH);

“An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a black nor does a black have any superiority over a White except by Taqwa”

As said by the Prophet of Allah the measure of superiority in Islam is Taqwa. Likewise, the gradation of souls in Islam is on the basis of Taqwa, souls are superior to each other on the basis of Taqwa piety. In Bible the blessed are often described as the oppressed ones, those up on which tyrannies and cruelties are inflicted as they are on right path. It is arguable that Taqwa is an immeasurable qualitative aspect of blessed soul or Ruh. However, there are many other essence of blessed souls

There are many signs and symbols of blessed souls. The blessed soul is blessing for humanity itself. Blessing of blessed soul must not be confused with the conditions of ecstasy, gaiety or happiness, it is something beyond these. A blessed soul finds solace and peace in alleviating problems of those in need. It endures pain and suffering for the good of mankind.

In Bible:

“You are blessed if you help poor and if you trust God”

Jeremiah 17:7


In the Quran, Allah says:

“Help one another in acts of piety and righteousness. And do not assist each other in acts of sinfulness and transgression. And be aware of Allah. Verily, Allah is severe in punishment

Quran 5:2 (Surah Al-Mai’dah)


Blessed souls are gift of God to mankind. Human nature is predacious in its very genuine form. Greed and deceit are embedded in its spirit and survival in a State of nature is impossible or chances of survival are bleak. The souls which constraint their inner bestial nature and help those in need are ranked above others in gradation, not only in mortal life but also in afterlife. As the saying goes that the world only exists because of blessed souls. Apart from empathy, humility, modesty and sagacity are virtues of blessed souls. In religion blessing is the gift of divine, whereas, philosophers believe it as an expression of kindness, benevolence and gratitude.

Blessing, Brachot, or Barkat are euphemism for the divine favor by God up on the believers. Philosophers disagree. They believe blessing as act of benevolence by any individual motivated by feeling of empathy. So it can be inferred that every soul in blessed or blessing too is a faculty of mind (consciousness). It is a faculty of mind which has to be activated by the individual through the feeling of empathy. However, human self is a slave of greed and caprice by nature, it is motivated by avarice and wishes, and so only empathy is not enough to justify behaviour such as generosity and benevolence. Blessing is indeed a divine favor, as atheist philosophical theories fail to justify the contradiction of innate human nature with benevolence qualities.

Blessing, however, differs from blessed soul.

Blessings are often interpreted as the health, wealth and happiness. It may also include any material beneficial for wellbeing of individual. Blessed soul is completely opposite to blessing, as it is often described in holy scripture as the soul which endures pain, controls passion, and denies worldly delights is successful in the immortal life. A blessed soul is gift to community owing to its benevolent and generous features.


In a nutshell, the supremacy of blessed souls is conspicuous in every aspect of social life. They are distinguishable easily on the basis of contents of their characters and actions such as generosity, benevolence, empathy, sympathy, kindness and love. They are not only superior to others on the social qualitative basis but also in the sharpness of their faculty of their minds such as wisdom, sagacity and perseverance. Different religions have distinctly marked the parameter of gradation of souls, such as Taqwa, Endurance and Nirvana, the core qualities such that belief is the chief factor behind all. Blessed souls are indeed favor of divine and evidence of its grandeur being. Equals can only be superior to each other on basis of content of their soul not on the basis of any race, creed or color.
