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Only the Middle East can fix Middle East

Submitted by talhaoffice03@… on

War in the Middle East has now aggravated almost to the extent of triggering a third world war.  The ongoing conflict in the sacred land of Palestine is muddling the chances of peace negotiations and cease fire. The US secretary of state, Anthony Blinkens has said that this could be the “last chance” towards cease fire between Israel and Palestine while the far right defense cabinet of Benjamin Netanyahu is demanding “war till complete control”, and this scenario is building provocative momentum towards initiating world war III, as the new military head of United Kingdom Sir Roly Walker has warned his country, saying “UK to fight a war in next three years”.

The landscape and geography of Palestine has key gulf countries at her border. The full fledge war in Palestine can increase the humanitarian crisis and the proxies by Iran in the region are making situation vulnerable. The air strikes on commander of Hezbollah, Faud sakur in Beirut and Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, can engage Iran in war besides Palestine. It would make situation stringent for KSA who is seeking a US brokered deal with Israel under Abraham Accord. Retaliation from Iran will be predicament for US, who is already dealing with Iran backed rebel Houthis in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia imposed a war in 2017, when the crown prince Muhammad Bin Salman was a defense minister. The ever increasing tensions between Iran and Israel may cause errors for KSA whose vision 2030 is heavily relied upon the Abraham Accord. The Gulf encompasses 51% of global oil and 46% of global natural gas and steer the way of Europe towards the West Africa through Strait of Hormuz rightly called “The gate of Grief – The Gate of Tears.” On the other side of the coin, the reconnaissance and skirmishes by the Houthis on cargo ships in Red sea would embroiled the region into dismay and it will have apprehensions for the European Union whose oil consumption has doubled since inception of Ukraine crisis and its reliance upon gulf region for energy needs. The engagement of EU in Gulf in response to any mishap towards its sovereignty will pave the way for NATO and US along with the involvement of Saudi Arabia, Iran and their proxies in region will initiate third world war.